6 tips on how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen + photo

In any kitchen where gas is used stove and / or ovensure to eat gas pipes. For many, the fact of the visibility of these communications causes irritation and a desire to somehow hide them, disguise, close them - in general, to do everything so that they do not rush into the eyes. If with water and sewer pipes you can do almost anything, then with gas everything is somewhat more complicated. Since gas is explosive, in the desire to make apartment interior impeccable, it is important not to cross the boundaries of common sense and not to violate existing safety requirements. Let's try to figure out how to hide a gas pipe in the kitchen so that it is both beautiful and safe.

No. 1. What do the norms say?

Neighboring experience and online tips may not always be useful. Very often there are tips to hide a gas pipe in a drywall box or decorate it with an abundance of magnets. If the service sees this, then whole decor I’ll have to take it apart and pay a fine.

When deciding how best to mask a gas pipe, always remember those requirements that are put forward to the gas pipeline in the apartment:

  • to gas pipes easy access should be providedso that in the event of a leak or other accident, you can always inspect the communications and fix the problem. Sometimes non-compliance with this rule is worth health and life;
  • do not close pipes tightly - In the event of a leak, gas will accumulate, increasing the risk of explosion. That is why fixed pipes cannot be closed. Moreover, you can not hide the pipe in the gates in the walls. Decorative designs that provide adequate ventilation and are easy to dismantle can be used, but it is better to consult with specialists anyway;
  • you can not change the location of the pipes yourself - this is done only by specialists and with the permission of the relevant services;
  • gas pipes must be painted - this protects them from corrosion and extends the service life. What color and composition to choose is another question, and we will consider it in detail below;
  • during work, pipes must be treated with extreme caution, they must not be damaged, no additional load, therefore, nothing to hang on them is by no means permitted.

It is important when performing all work on masking gas pipes shut off the gas supply.

When choosing a decor, think very carefully about safety: life is more expensive than the desire to make the kitchen interior perfect. If the solution you choose seems a little dubious, it’s best to consult a specialist in the gas service.

No. 2. Gas pipe painting

Painting is the easiest, cheapest and safest way to transform space and make pipes less visible. With a competent approach, familiar communications can be practically dissolved or even turned into a full-fledged decoration element.

FROM pipe painting even a person who did not have previous experience in carrying out construction and repair work will cope. At the same time, the gas pipe remains in the public domain, and you do not violate any norms and can sleep peacefully. Moreover, gas pipes must be painted. As for color and composition of paint, there are no restrictions, unlike the coloring of external gas lines (they are painted yellow).

There are several options for painting:

  • the simplest and most popular is paint to match the walls. If the shades match as closely as possible, then the pipe will certainly not be evident. A white pipe against a background of white walls is a win-win;
  • contrast color for pipes advised by some designers. This option is suitable for colorful and saturated with different shades of kitchen facilities - in an interior made in pastel colors, a bright green or red pipe will look inappropriate. It’s great if the pipe repeats the shade of some element in the kitchen, for example, kitchen set, curtains or decor. Such a solution is well suited for the interior in the style of kitsch, boho or avant-garde. In kitchens in the style of hi-tech or minimalism pipes can paint metallic;
  • art painting and decoupage. If there is a certain ornament on the walls, curtains, tablecloths, or other elements of the interior (for example, floral, African, geometric motifs or food patterns), then it can be repeated on pipes. You can apply the drawing by hand or use stencils - in this way you can repeat any pattern. If you try hard, then the pipe can be turned into a trunk of a birch or bamboo. Decoupage technique allows you to transfer the picture from a special film or cloth to the surface of the pipe. For interior in Provence style not a bad option.

For painting, you can use oil, acrylic paint, nitro enamels and other compounds.

Before applying paint prepare the surface of the pipe. After the gas is shut off, it is necessary to carefully remove the old coating, sand the surface, if necessary putty and coat primer. Only in this case can we expect that the new paint composition will fit perfectly. It is most convenient to apply paint from spray can. You can, of course, work with a brush, but it's a little more troublesome, harder and longer.

Some go further and begin to refine the pipes ropes, magnets and glued mosaic. As for the aesthetics of this solution, opinions differ. In addition, in a similar way more often it turns out only to draw attention to the pipes than to disguise them. Employees of gas services to this decor are ambiguous.

No. 3. We go to the trick, or Reiling to help

Note immediately nothing can be hung on a gas pipe, but to create the illusion that the pipe does not run through the edge at all, but is quite necessary and conceived according to the project railing, can. Hooks, various shelves and holders are usually attached to the railing. Since it is based on horizontal guides, this method is perfect for masking horizontal sections of pipes.

The essence of the method is to paint the gas pipe in a color that matches the color of the selected railing as much as possible. The latter are often chrome-plated, made in bronze or copper. Rail mounted just below the gas pipe. All items are hung on the railing pipe, but due to the proximity of the location and similarity of the surface the gas pipe will look like part of the overall system. The solution is perfect for interiors made in a modern style.

Number 4. Another trick, or hiding pipes over furniture

If the pipe is located at a sufficient height, then under it you can set a wide a shelf. When it is filled with kitchen utensils, the pipes will not be visible at all. Naturally, the installation must be carried out very carefully so as not to hook the gas pipeline. In this case, the pipe is best painted in the color of the wall.

The pipe will be even less conspicuous if installed under it cabinet system. They are deeper than the shelves, which means that the gas pipeline will not be visible from below.At the same time, all requirements are met: if necessary, access to the pipe is free, and ventilation does not interfere. Naturally, this method is suitable for masking horizontal pipe sections.

No. 5. We hide pipes behind furniture facades

This option is suitable for masking both vertical and horizontal sections, and even gas equipment (meters, speakers) If you carry out repairs in the kitchen, you can immediately order a false cabinet of a certain size. However, already existing headset can be upgraded.

It is enough to make holes for pipes on the back, bottom and top wall. The cabinet space, which will hide the gas pipeline, can be used to place kitchen utensils, but a prerequisite is sufficient ventilation, therefore, in the most inconspicuous places you can create several holes (most importantly, then do not cover them with cans and pans), or you can install a trellised screen. The vertical section of pipes can be hidden in a pencil case, horizontal - in a conventional cabinet. The main thing is to provide quick access to communications.

No. 6. Pipe in the box - is it possible or not?

The above methods can only beat the gas pipe, but not hide it. If you don’t want to put up with gas pipes at all or it’s impossible to fit them into the interior at all, you can build decorative boxin which to hide the pipes, but at the same time Two conditions must be observed:

  • at least part of the box must be removable, if necessary, access to the pipes should be obtained as soon as possible;
  • in the box should be ventilation in the form of perforation or lattice. Otherwise, even with a small leak, the gas will gradually accumulate and eventually provoke an explosion.

Many people ignore these two requirements, simplifying the process of constructing the box. Someone believes that a steel gas pipe with a thickness of 2-3 mm cannot pass gas at all. Alas, such misconceptions can sometimes be very expensive. In addition, at the first inspection, the gas service will detect a violation, write a fine and oblige to release pipes from the dead box. It is better not to take risks, not to create unnecessary problems for yourself and immediately arrange everything according to the rules. We will need to create in the box removable ventilated shield, and its decor can be anything.

If you need to close both the pipes and the counter, then it makes sense to build a box from drywall. It is not difficult to do this - the principle of working with drywall has long been understood by everyone. Work sequence:

  • markup, determine where the metal guides will be. The width of the box must be sufficient for equipment maintenance;
  • installation of the frame using a level;
  • measurements of the resulting structure and cutting of drywall of the required size;
  • drywall installation. It is better to close part of the structure with a lattice decorative panel, which can be easily dismantled if necessary.

If we are talking only about the pipe, then the task is greatly simplified. Guides can be built parallel to it on both sides from a metal profile or wooden beam. You can attach to them any material that suits you in appearance, provides ventilation and can be removed in seconds with a screwdriver or screwdriver. Can use polycarbonate. A fragment of the required width is cut from the sheet along the stiffness lines. The segment is bent along the fold lines until a U-shaped lining is formed. Holes are drilled in it for future installation. The box is attached to previously mounted rails using dowels. In the most inconspicuous places, you can drill several holes on polycarbonate for better ventilation.

Instead of a polycarbonate sheet, craftsmen also use perforated plywood, cardboard sleeve, bamboo trunk, and other materials. The principle of work is unchanged. Can use frosted glass, plastic, lining, wood and not only - the main thing is that the decorative panel can be easily removed. Also on sale can be found finished designs from different materials and different colors. They are easy to assemble and disassemble. Better if selected The decor will be enhanced by other elements in the kitchen.

The main plus of a well-organized box is the ability to hide the pipe from view, but in some cases you will have to say goodbye to a certain amount of useful space.

In conclusion

Even if you are sure that your choice of masking gas pipes in the kitchen is correct, it does not hurt to consult a gas specialist and show him a sketch of the solution. This is a vital issue. If you are really worried about your own safety, then you can equip the apartment with a domestic gas analyzer, which will report a gas leak.

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