14 ideas for designing a room without a window + photo

There can be no living spaces without windows. At least, the current SNIPs tell us this, but real life is correcting, and its name is redevelopment. We are trying so hard to squeeze out as much useful space from the apartment as possible, to make an individual space for each family member, that sometimes we consciously leave some room without a window. The situation is aggravated by the fact that, as a rule, this space is also quite small in area. It is difficult to exist there without sunlight and fresh air, but if you go to a few tricks, you yourself will be surprised how much the previously gloomy and uncomfortable room has transformed. Experts have accumulated a number of techniques for designing a room without a window and are happy to share their experiences.

Before we move on to tips and examples, we’ll figure out where rooms come from without a natural light source, because you cannot build such spaces. If you can’t build, then legitimize redevelopment can. The main thing is to tell BTI that from now on a room without a window will be pantry, cabinet or dressing room - non-residential premises, where the absence of windows is permissible. Then, the enterprising owners equip a bedroom, a living room or even a children's room in the separated space - it all depends on the needs. By the way, in modern housing, where the rooms are made quite spacious, the idea of ​​such a redevelopment looks very attractive, because as a result you can get two rooms with a sufficient area. The main thing is to think about the interior well and not to forget about ventilation.

No. 1. Competent lighting is the basis of the basics

Ideally, the artificial lighting in a windowless room should be as close to naturalso that those in the room do not experience discomfort. Favorite light bulbs with warm light will have to be abandoned in favor daylight. The main task - create uniform illumination of all areas of the room, since dark corners will once again remind you of the main problem of the room. To accomplish this task, designers recommend using the following techniques:

  • multi-zone lighting. To illuminate a room without windows, you must use and ceiling lightsand wall, and desktop, and outdoor. Only in this case will it be possible to illuminate every corner and cope with a shortage of light;
  • besides central chandelier better to use ceiling spotlight systemthat evenly illuminate the entire room. Some experts advise to make the spotlight as inconspicuous as possible in order to create the feeling of sunlight entering the room;
  • niches, paintings, furniture facades, ceiling and baseboards - everything that can be additionally highlighted should be provided with a light source;
  • sconce floor lamps and table lamps would also be appropriate. Do not be afraid that the room will be too bright - you are unlikely to turn on all the light sources together, but provide yourself several comfortable lighting scenarios.

It is very important that those in the windowless room do not have a feeling of confined space.To make such a room more comfortable and level its feature, you can go for any tricks. Highlight kitchen facades or bed basegiving the impression of sunshine. Illumination of cabinet furniture, especially if there is a lot of it in the room, will make the room lighter and lighter. Sometimes additional light sources are installed near the floor - it looks spectacular and airy.

Sometimes ideas are born when you are not waiting for them at all. For example, instead of the doors of a conventional cabinet, you can use shutters (frame construction with many horizontal panels and a small gap between them), and thanks to the LED strip that hides behind the doors, it seems that sunlight falls into the room through the window with shutters. The effect is so strong that even your brain, which knows the secret of the room, will perceive the stream of artificial light as natural rays.

No. 2. False windows - spectacular optical illusion

Fake windowthe most popular technique in designing a room without a window. It is not so difficult to deceive eyesight, and there are a lot of options to do it today. So, false windows can be of several options:

  • mirror window with imitation of separation into parts. This decision really makes one believe that the room has a window, especially if you find the right and most natural place for it. In addition, the mirror expands the space and doubles the scarce light - a whole wagon of benefits. You can complement such a mirror curtains or a light curtain, but the main thing is that the textile only slightly covers the mirror surface. Consider applying a sandblasting pattern to the mirror;
  • backlit window it allows to simulate a real window as naturally as possible, but a small niche (7-10 cm deep) is needed to mount such a structure in the wall. It is mounted reflective aluminium foilis set LED Strip Light with daylight (light temperature approximately 2700 K), and this whole structure closes panels simulating the casement, the design of which can be absolutely anything (if desired, all this is easy to do on your own). The best option is to use frosted glasswhich will scatter the incoming light and create the most accurate imitation of sunlight. Another good option is to use false windows for glazing stained glass. Glass can be transparent, and behind them is an image with a natural or urban landscape. If you choose the right photo theme, then everything will look very realistic. The backlight in this case is set along the contour or behind the image;
  • LED windows equipped with a screen and built-in backlight. You can customize the weather outside the window. Some such designs also reproduce sounds, however, this pleasure will cost a lot of money.

There is one more option. - draw a window on the wall with a preferred landscape behind it, but this solution is for those with fine art on the “you”. AND do not forget about the indispensable companion of every window - curtainsif it’s, of course, not about the ceiling window.

Another interesting and quick to implement solution is backlit blinds. It looks completely conventional blindsthat we used to see on the windows. They differ in the presence of LED-backlight, which will help us create the effect of having a window. It is enough to hang the blinds where you want to see the window opening, and connect the structure to the network. Light, penetrating through the cracks in the half-closed blinds, creates the illusion of a real window. All construction work will take a minimum of time. Initially, such blinds were designed to make ordinary window openings more interesting, but found a new application.

No. 3. Ceiling window

A ceiling window is also a false window, but I would like to place it in a separate group of methods for arranging a room without natural light. Probably, it will be superfluous to say that such a design will make the room more comfortable, harmonious and even lighter. There are several options for arranging a ceiling window:

  • stick to the ceiling sky mural. It will be clear and blue, cloudy or night - you decide. To enhance the effect on the photo wallpaper, you can direct the backlight;
  • stretch ceiling with the image of the sky. You can draw anything on a film canvas you can highlight it both outside by standard methods, and from within, using fiber optic threads and creating the effect of "starry sky";
  • on the ceiling, you can apply the same technology as when arranging a false window on the wall. In the recess is created backlightrepeating daylight temperature, the structure closes frosted glass or glass with the image of the sky, branches against the sky, etc. True, this method will require the construction of a box of drywall (technology of false ceilings), and this takes a few centimeters of height, but an additional volumetric light source compensates for these losses.

Number 4. Drawn curtains

If curtains Is a required attribute of the window, then only one their presence makes our brain believe that they are hiding the usual real window. This means that some wall, or part of it, can be covered with curtains, and their length can be any. Best, as a rule, look long curtains from the ceiling to the floor. You can place them behind the back couch or headboard the beds. We won’t get additional light from this design, but we will remove the feeling of discomfort due to the lack of a window in the room.

No. 5. We create a real window opening

Don't be scared now. It’s not about cutting a window in the load-bearing wall and connecting the room to the street. Everything is much less radical, but you still have to crush the walls. The essence of the reception is connect the windowless room with the most suitable neighboring roomif it is, of course, possible.

It would not be possible to look dreamily at such a window, watching passers-by rushing off somewhere, rain or a peaceful natural landscape, but there will definitely be more light - it will penetrate from the next room. On the other hand, this does not mean at all that it would be less serious to take the artificial lighting system in such a room, because natural light in this situation is unlikely to be enough.

The size of the window can be any - it all depends on your preferences and features of the adjacent rooms. This can be a standard size opening or a glass partition to the floor. When it will be necessary retire, hide from prying eyes help blinds, ordinary or roller blinds - in general, everything that saves us in the case of an ordinary window.

It is very important that such a solution will cope with the problem of ventilation.

No. 6. Transom, or hello from the past

Many of us are familiar with the idea of ​​having a small window under the ceiling. A similar decision was put into action by Soviet designers Khrushchevthat connected the bathroom and kitchen with a small window. There are still a lot of jokes about him, but you cannot underestimate such a life hack. Architects then were able to solve the problem of additional lighting in the absence of electricity, to make the bathroom a little lighter and more spacious. Residents of such apartments admit that in sunny weather the bathroom can be used without artificial light. Everything new is well forgotten old, so we take this idea into service.

To create a small window under the ceiling and to connect the problem room with the neighboring room is an excellent solution and not as cardinal as the arrangement of a large window opening. The light will pass through the transom, while the neighboring rooms remain isolated and secluded. - what you need for the design of a room without a window.

There are a bit another variation of this method. Where does the windowless room come from in the apartment? After the construction of a blank partition and separation of space from adjacent rooms. Can erect a wall not at full heightleaving a gap under the ceiling for the penetration of light and fresh air.

Number 7. Mirror magic

The mirror surface can be used not only to create false windows. Everyone knows how a simple mirror can transform the interior of a small room. It doubles space and light - what you need for small rooms without windows.

You can pick up a large one-piece mirror panel, make a composition of small mirrors, or lay out an entire wall or part of it with mirror tiles - there are tons of options for every taste and style of the interior. Do not forget that the mirror may be part of the furniture facades. An interesting effect is achieved when decorating the top of the walls with a mirror. Similarly, you can simulate the above windows.

Number 8. Gloss and metal

Glossy, shiny surfaces, like mirrors, are capable of reflecting light, which means that they are very useful in arranging a room without windows. Metal (chrome and brass) frames and vases, glass dining tabletop or coffee tableglossy furniture facade, Crystal Chandelier - All these and many other metal, glass and glossy objects perfectly reflect the light, fill the room with highlights and make it more comfortable and illuminated. In each of these items light sources will be reflected, increasing the general level of illumination.

Furniture facades and at least part of the doors to wardrobe worth making glossy. Another opportunity to add volume and light to the room is literally under our feet. It's about flooring: glazed tile or varnished laminate perfectly cope with the task of reflecting light.

With mirrors, gloss and gloss it's important not to play too much. If you go too far, then the room will become bright, but still uncomfortable, and numerous reflections will annoy and cause discomfort.

No. 9. Photowall-paper

Photowall-paper actively used when it is necessary to expand a small area in space or to set a specific atmosphere in the room. In our case, photo wallpaper will also be useful. The classic reception is the image of a wide window or balcony. Thus, the space is visually expanded, and the much-needed window in the room appears.

You can use it simply natural or urban landscapes, better with a noticeable perspective. It is advisable that the murals occupy the whole wall or most of it, and the image is somehow supported by interior items. For example, if a forest is shown on the photo wallpaper, you can supplement the picture with large living plants. It does not interfere with the additional illumination of the image. Properly selected and decorated landscape will allow you to change the room beyond recognition.

No. 10. Interior Tricks

Along with other tricks, in a room without a window, you can use some tricks that will make the room even brighter or distract attention from its main drawback.

Additional light sources should be used to the maximum. Are going Illuminated aquarium fireplace, candles and garlands. A vivid picture, an interesting art object, furniture of an unusual shape can become distracting maneuver, the focus point, which will attract the eye, thereby leading him away from the imperfection of space.

No. 11. Light colors

The ability to reflect light in different colors is different. So, for example, dark saturated shades absorb a significant part of the radiation, and light, on the contrary, mostly reflect it. White works best in this regard., so designers loved it, actively using it in all small rooms. For the ceiling, it is better to choose it.If this does not quite fit into your interior plans, then choose a different light shade. It is important that the ceiling was lighter than the walls.

Walls and furniture are best chosen unobtrusive light and pastel shades natural gamut. Beige, cream, light blue and light peach will make the room cozy, create a feeling of open space and the much-desired natural light. Do not forget about shiny decoration materials: metal wallpaper, glossy plaster etc.

To the interior of the room was not completely boring, it can be supplemented with several bright accessories. Natural shades are preferred. It will be enough two or three bright colors - otherwise you can overload the room.

No. 12. Sliding panels instead of walls

Replacing blank walls with mobile partitions is, it would seem, the simplest and least expensive solution, but, unfortunately, not always possible. A sliding partition is good for separating the bedroom from the living room, or living space - from the kitchen. When you need to retire, the doors close, and you get two separate isolated spaces. Ajar and fully open doors will allow light and fresh air to enter a windowless room.

No. 13. Green room decoration

A windowless room is a room with a limited flow of fresh air. It will be difficult to do without a normal ventilation system in this case, but several plants in the room will still not interfere. They will decorate the room, will bring life into it and give a little oxygen.

From the widest assortment of home plants, you can choose any one to your taste, but for special conditions a windowless room is best suited ficusesthat can clean, moisturize the air and even remove toxins from it. Also great chlorophytum, begonia, scarlet and Kalanchoe.

No. 14. Windowless ventilation

Anyone who has a room with no windows in the apartment knows that it is difficult to breathe in it, the air is constantly stale, and airing does not always help. Without ventilation systems You can’t do anything, but you can equip it with one of the following methods:

  • wall valve will connect the room with the street and provide an influx of fresh air. The design of such a device is quite simple. A manual regulator allows you to adjust the amount of supply air, and a primitive filter protects against insects and large particles of dirt. Also provides a layer of thermal insulation and an external visor to reduce noise;
  • mechanical ventilator allows you to filter the incoming air from the street with a charcoal filter and a coarse dust filter. The ventilation process with such a device becomes more manageable, and the influx of fresh air is possible even when not the most favorable conditions are coordinated for this. Some installations may even heat the incoming air;
  • breather - An even more advanced design. Equipped with a HEPA filter that filters air from mold, allergens, spores and germs. As well as ventilators, they are equipped with a fan, so the amount of incoming air can be controlled;
  • separate exhaust ventilation they rarely equip the room, but if it is possible to connect the room to the common house ventilation channel, then it is better to do this. Special exhaust ventilation will be more productive. fans, which are installed instead of the usual ventilation grid. For kitchens, availability will also be relevant. hoods;
  • ventilation system with air ducts, fans, filters and a recuperator - this is an expensive and very voluminous design, and use it when equipping the ventilation system of the whole house;
  • air conditioning with the function of ventilation and air filtration can also save the situation.

If there is a sliding partition, transom or window into the next room, the ventilation issue may not be so acute.

Finally, we note that for obvious reasons a room without windows is better to use only energy-saving lamps, and then most of the minuses of this room can be leveled, making it cozy, comfortable, bright and economical.

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